
Stopping in an Emergency

Emergency BrakingIn normal conditions a good driver should not need to brake really hard. However, emergencies can happen – for instance, when a child runs out in the street in front of you- so you must know how to stop quickly under control. Stopping in an emergency increases the risk of skidding, follow the rule of progressive braking- pushing the brake pedal harder as the vehicle slows down.

A quick reaction is crucial in an emergency. The sooner you start braking the sooner you should stop.

Practise the following routine:

Practise braking to judge the correct pressure and remember to take into account road and weather conditions. If the road is dry, you should apply firm pressure, but on a wet road of loose surface you should avoid using too much. This means that you will need to reduce speed and increase your separation distance from vehicle in front.

When braking in an emergency:

Note! If you are not moving off straight away, put your parking brake on and the gear level in neutral.

Defensive Driving – Try to avoid the emergency arising

Always drive at such a speed that you can stop safely in the distance you can see to be clear. If it is not clear Slow Down. Prepare for the unexpected.

Progressive Braking:

This is a safe driving technique which:

To Brake Progressively:


Choose a particular point at which you would like to stop. See how near to it you can get.

It’s better to stop short of the mark rather than overshoot it. You can always ease off the brakes and run forward a bit more. Stopping at a kerb needs practise too. Aim to stop reasonably close to the kerb without hitting it.

Both hands should be on the steering wheel.

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